I like... campaigning?

Posted by Brynndn on 10:43 AM
Why yes, yes I do enjoy a good campaign.
A National one.
One for a cause I believe in.
Not a political campaign, thats just silly.

I'm talkin about... CAMPAIGNS.

The latest two I participated in were A Day Without Shoes, for TOMS shoes and then Day of Silence to campaign against the harassment of gay people.

For the first, it was pretty simple. You just... wear nothing on your feet. It's actually kinda weird. I grew up on a farm so I was always barefoot, but because of civilization and domesticity I learned to put shoes on. Gross. And now, after all that conditioning to put on shoes, I didn't wear any one day... and my freakin feet started to hurt. Seriously? There are kids all over without shoes everyday of their life and I can't go one day without them? I make myself sick. But on this day, I also realized we live in too much comfort. As I had my shoes off, I felt... vunerable, exposed. Like at any moment a shard of glass could penetrate my foot and/or maybe I would step in poop or something and get a disease. It was interesting to me that I felt so exposed just by one simple act. However, I felt good about it. The whole idea of the campaign was to make people aware of TOMS shoes and that there are kids with no shoes. See TOMS shoes gives shoes to those kids. For every pair bought, they give. I'm thinking about being a representative next year for them. Here is the website if you wanna learn more: http://cdn2.tomsshoes.com/default14.htm

The next campaign was Day of Silence. Holy crap that was hard. I learned about it through my friend Dusty on facebook. It seems simple... but for people like me that like to talk... DANG! The point of this is very simple though. You don't talk, people figure that out, ask you why, and you hand them a piece of paper that explains why, they can join or find out how they can help your cause. Your cause being to stop harassment of gays, and promote love in the world. Awesome. Here is the website for that: http://dayofsilence.org/index.cfm
Apparently this year, it went very smoothly and there were some amazing stories.

Anyways, I encourage people to get involved in causes and campaigns such as these. Stop sitting like a bump on a log and freakin do something! You aren't helping anyone by being selfish. That's that.

Shalom in the home.



Posted by Brynndn on 9:52 AM

Newness. Is that even a word?

I’m new to this whole blogger thing. Kind of. I have to write blogs for my position this year, but other than that- the only blogging I’ve done was on myspace or facebook. Hardly blogging compared to this stuff. This crap is intense.

However lately, I’m especially noticing how we are easily fascinated with new things. New websites, new relationships, new toys, new foods, new everything.
It’s weird.
I’m new to blogging, I feel like blogging because of it. My relationship was new about 4 months ago… it still feels new and I still feel giddy about it. I still like to go on dates. The last couple nights I had a new food… I want it again tonight… weird.

Then I realized FFA was like that for me. When I was in highschool, probably freshmen or sophomore, I was so pumped about it. At the beginning of this year, I was pumped about it. I guess I’ve just burnt myself out or something because I’m just ready for the year to be over. Not that I don’t love what I do, because I do love every moment. I guess I’m just ready to move on. I am going to continue to give 100% til my year is over.
It’s what I’m doing after that that worries me. Everyone know I can be a little random at time, and I like spontaneity. Which means, who knows what I’ll do with my life. The only thing I know that I really want… is a Tundra…

n1189860012_154443_7414  800px-2007-Toyota-Tundra-DoubleCab-703810

Either one would suffice. :)

Anyhow. I have a love for Toyota, blogging, my sig. other, and pasta with Caesar dressing. Are there any questions?


Shalom in the Home.



Posted by Brynndn on 4:51 PM

The many definitions of facebook:

A. A way for students to procrastinate any and all homework.

B. An social networking tool for people to keep in touch with each other.

C. A internet site on which you can communicate with friends, while adding applications such as Farm Town.


Lately, I have been on Facebook more than usual. Why? Two words. Farm Town. That’s right… Farm Town. It’s an application on facebook in which you become a farmer. You plow fields, plant crops, get livestock, sell all of it, buy barns, windmills, carts, hay bales, silos, etc. Why is it so addicting? In the game, you can advance levels and make a whole lot of money. As you are advancing as a farmer, you also are competing with friends. Trying to get to their level or staying ahead of them by buying more land… not that I would know that.

Currently my goal is to stay ahead of my best friend Annarose, and my girlfriend, Brittney. The competitive spirit in me has come out, and I must be levels ahead of them, and my farm MUST be better! Bahahaha.

While it’s no concern to Brittney, to Annarose it is. The other day her crops went to waste. I felt a little guilty so I let her harvest my crops, (You can hire people to harvest your crops when they are ready so you and the other person make more money.) because it was the right thing to do.

Now Annarose is almost ahead of me… Oi. Guilt.

Anyways, if you have Facebook, you should add it. Unless you want to use your spare time for other things. Like watching iCarly. Or just being on Facebook in general because we all know we do it. We’re obsessed.

Anyways, enough with the blogging.

Shalom in the Home.


1st blog of my very own.

Posted by Brynndn on 1:56 PM
And its only here to say that I will blog later.

Shalom in the Home.

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