Lesbian Christmas.

Posted by Brynndn on 6:54 PM
Sooooo, today has been very... well here I'll let you tell me what you think.

First of all, I may have drank a little too much last night. Naturally, I woke up at around...noon maybe? Yeah. Righteous.

Rolled outta bed, played COD: Black Ops for around 4 hours with Britt. Note: I can still kick her ass at it, but she's pretty darn good.

My mom called with a phone number I had been needing to replace the battery in my car. Which I did, and thus begins part 2 of a perfect lez day. (Part one was playing COD for 4 hours...) I fixed my car! It runs after over a year of having to have it towed when we moved. Although there is more to fix, it does get from point A to point B. Thank Jesus!

Next, we went to Wal*Mart. To buy a $5 bottle of HEET to put in the gas. We ended up leaving $112 later. Yeah. Which brings me to the perfect lez day part 3: a new tool kit!!! Hell yeah!! It was needed of course. 122 piece kit. It's beautiful. We both played with it. That and we got some stuff to start gardening next month. On that note, I need an farmers almanac. Anyone wanna purchase me one?

Anyways, to end the day I got frustrated because I hate how selfish and unappreciative people can be. EVEN when you've said something to there FACE. At any rate, I am going to continue to be the bigger person and help this person out. Crazy maybe, but karma can be a bitch.

Now, I'm suppose to blog about someone special. By special I mean... nevermind. She'll haunt me in my sleep or something. Creep by my windows. Seriously, don't mess with this crazy B. She'll shank you before you even see her. Like a ninja or some shit. We got each others backs though. Recently I've gotten closer to her and consider her one of the best. She happens to be dating someone else very special to me. So naturally I had to like her... I guess...She grew on me though :P Her name is Jordan and you should read her blog too, because she's the one that forces me to blog as I force her to. Oh look there she is!

Anyways, that was my day in a nutshell. I would say it's been pretty damn good. Oh yeah! I'm selling my Xbox with a few games and such, if you're interested or know someone that is heres a link: http://ksu.craigslist.org/ele/2225103938.html

Also, here's my video for the day:

So lesbian lessons today:
*A LOT of lesbians LOVE video games and most of them are better than most guys.
*A lot of lesbians will love you forever if you buy them a tool kit
*appreciate what you have and those who make it possible
*Jordan Webb is the coolest and
*Johnny boy is hilarious

You're welcome.
Shalom in the Home.


That's nice.

Posted by Brynndn on 9:44 PM
What a freaking day, the worst good day ever.

Slept in. That's nice.

Yesterday I stared to get a pain in my shoulder. I had had it before, but I didn't think it would be reoccurring. I was in tears because it hurt SOOOO bad this morning. That's nice.

Got around and ready, then finally went to renew Britt's license. Mind you, her birthday was in October. Yes, it took about 5 months to renew the stupid thing. -.- Couldn't go to quite a few bars because of that crazy wife of mine! That's nice.

Had lunch at Panera, which was delicious. That's nice.

Drove to AT&T, got a new phone that I LOVE. That's really nice.

Went to Wal-Mart, got the oil changed in her car. That was also late... about 13,000 miles overdue. That's nice.

While waiting the 2 FREAKING LONG HOURS it took to change her oil, we went shopping. Correction- SHE went shopping. I was fiddling around with my phone. I probably looked like a small child, I just kept hanging on to the cart so I wouldn't get lost... She ended up with a cart full of things I didn't know about. That's nice.

Well we arrived home around 7ish. We eat dinner and my shoulder starts hurting again. That's nice.

I am still playing with my phone but can't get the Xbox Live thing to work on it. I call Xbox live. I called them again. And once more... finally. It's fixed, 3 phones, 1 possible broken finger, 4 fake email account later. That's nice.

I had earlier text a best friend from high school. We don't talk much anymore and I wanted to know why. Turns out, it was me. I have been the crappiest friend to her. I didn't even know I was hurting her. I was though. That kills me. I don't know if she'll even let me make it up to her. If this is the case, I doubt I will ever forgive myself. That's...

Well that was a tad depressing... here's something funny...

I think it's funny anyways. Whatever.

Lesbian Lessons:
*I love sleep.
*Samsung Focus = amazing.
*Never take your friends for granted.
*Stick figures attacking things is funny to me...

Coming soon: Lesbian Bathroom Talk

Shalom in the Home.


Super Bowl- Lez style.

Posted by Brynndn on 11:02 AM
Epic weekend.

We went home.

First of all, my moms house is completely finished, SOOOOOO nice!!!! Glad it's done and she can relax. Picture will be on Facebook.

Now, for the actual Super Bowl. I was going for the Packers, naturally. I personally think the Steelers... well didn't deserve it. We went to my dads though, where all of us but one was for the Packers. My dad, me, Brittney and Chelsea were the smart ones. Poor Hayley. Never stood a chance!
We get there and were all making snacks and eating and such, when I dropped the ENTIRE bowl of guacamole on the floor... awesome! So we gotta go get more. But instead of telling Brittney the truth, out of no where I decide to tell her that Chelsea cut her finger really bad so we needed to go to the emergency room... bahahaha. So Chelsea and Hayley go along with it. We all pile into the car and head into town, with Chelsea's finger wrapped up... with a Taco Bell bag. With Brittney worried about Chelsea's finger, we stopped at Dillons to get the guacamole. That is when Brittney got all confused. Nonetheless she agreed to go in with us, there is where she learned that Chelsea wasn't injured. Then I go a nice "whack" on the head in front of the awkward cashier. Beautiful.

Anyways, Super Bowl over- Huzzah for the Packers!

Around 10:30 that night we head to my friend Michelle's. Bitch is CRAZY! We start with some liquid encouragement... Dr. Pepper and amaretto. Mmmmmm.
Anyways, night goes on, Michelle is... farting ALLLLL night hahahha, sorry but it's true. Which made it funny, but she was acting a fool anyhow :) Love you Michelle. Seriously though, she a. Spelled gum with a "c"... "cum" and laugh hysterically at the characters one Super Mario Bros. heres the vid of Mario:

I realize that has a remix but she kept laughing HYSTERICALLY at the "big bodies....with....little heads...ahahahaha"
Funny as shit.
But awkwardly talking about someones sex life, the "gum/cum" talk came up. Don't like the taste of "gum", it's ok. Hahaha I love my friends!!!

Anyways, we're dirty people! But you know, if you can't be a little bit of a pervert eventually, you're prude! It's true. You don't have to have sex, but we all talk about dirty things! It's human. It's normal. We all get curious. But anyways, we talked about the fact that a friend that... doesn't like the taste. Hahahaha. Love it.

Life is random, life comes at you fast. Do whatever it is. Live in the moment. Don't think too much, be you. Never let a chance pass you by, never know when it might be your last. I know... cliche. But come on, get with it... Do it. Be you. Do what you do. Be dirty. Be clean. Love your friends, love anything with everything.

Ahhhh. The life of a lesbian.

No Lessons. Just be you.

Shalom in the Home.


Meh angry blog...

Posted by Brynndn on 9:29 PM
I'm angry. Here's why.

If you complain about shit that you can control, shut up. If you can't pay bills because you're too busy buying crap you don't need and stupid shit, I DON'T CARE.

If you think that you're friends are being loyal when you have already been warned that they probably aren't, I don't feel sorry for you.

If you bitch about the fact that you have no friends, can't find a boyfriend or girlfriend, can't get a job and yet you're rude to people, act cocky and lack any sort of tact... I have no sympathy for you. Get your shit together.

This is all. I wish I could say it to your face, but I would rather wait until the situation is better. Just know, I don't give a shit about anything you complain about. If you're life isn't what you wanted it to be, blame yourself.

Just needed to throw that out there... you understand.

Shalom in the Home.

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